Monday, 19 September 2011

How could a guy ever get this lucky?

You aint beautiful; you are picturesque
Your smile isn’t lovely; it’s angelic
Your figure aint great; it’s magical
You aren’t a smart dresser u are voguish
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

Words from your mouth are sweet and tender
Warm and just meant for my eyes
You look at me in an earnest way; a way only you do
A way that makes me feel treasured
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

Your teeth meticulously arranged in your buccal cavity
White enough to light a dark room
Your bust so robust and full of life
Protruding from your upper attire like two ridges facing each other
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

Soft sweet lips; supple and glistening from the lip gloss
Face; smooth and rotund
These make-ups it seems were made just for you
But they aren’t what makes you sparkle; they just punctuate you
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

You don’t have to open your mouth to speak
You don’t have to write it down either
Or even to put it in pictures
Just by being there, I can see it in your eyes
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

I dint choose you
I dint venture out to find you
How do you look for what you don’t know exist?
We met not by chance either; but to write the greatest love story ever
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

I have never been so in sync with somebody else
Neva seen a people more suited for each other
You know what to say, when to say and even how to say it!
You know how to make me smile on the darkest of days
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

On your shoulders my mind is at rest
Not troubled by the hustles and bustles of life
Not yearning, not hoping not needing anything
Stopping time and breathing is all I purpose then
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

Thanks for accepting me with all my faults
Each day though I strive to be a better man for you
To trim my excesses and meliorate my strengths
To be ideal for you
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

You are the perfect verse of a tight beat
A great discovery I just made
A lottery I just won
A piece of gem I came by
How could a guy ever get this lucky?

Robert Aseda
(My poems)
Kenyatta University

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