Friday, 19 April 2013

Loud yet silence

The young innocent girl grimaces
In one phase her face forms into a knot
her once strong presence felt not
whoever replaces her here would get a note

Her face is forlorn
Damaged too is her colon
her heavy linen soaked in blood
Her vagina oozing more like a flood

Her eyes surveys the tin shack
The look on her quack takes her aback
He's swinging on the rickety chair
calming his fidgety hands with smoke

The sooty ceiling stares stubbornly back at her
she remembers bootie hanging got her here
Daktari's wide eyes give him away
it's clear he too knows no way

Berryl the daughter of a priest
swollen like yeast?
they would take her as a bitch
who saw morals as kitch

The vaginal opening is sore
The hangers it seems got to her core
the fear of shame
her lame blame

The little lass looks at the glass
nothing much to reflect on
Wishing she could switch like bleach
The tears hurt, the tears flow

©Mzee Varaq

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The guy I know

There's a guy I know
He's spotting a glow
With you he's hoping to flow
His beak though is kinda slow

There's a girl his eyes see
He's hoping to stick to her like flea
She's adorning a brown leather coat
he's hoping he can play in her court

He cant think of a tactic
He's thinking of an antic
before he gets frantic
And his desire turns to lactic

The guy I know aint sly
The girl he sees is fly
The guy I know is looking for a sign
that to him duties assign

posted from Bloggeroid