Friday, 3 August 2012

Take me back

You use to look at me with pride
I used to look at you as my bride
U used to look at me and smile
I used to look at you and think of the aisle

You look at me now and see a user
Who looked at you and saw a looser
I look at you and see a wasted chance
Am not even sure you spare me a glance

I played with your heart
 Just as I did with your skirt
I broke your trust
For a moment of lust

I have been proud and loud
Shoveling blame on your name
Yet all you did was love me
Yet all you wanted was to have me

It pains me that I discarded you
It ails me that I added her
I was just a boy having fun
Thinking I was just making a pun

I took a second to make the decision
As I was in a hurry to bake the bread
I thought she would make me happy
She just makes me snappy

I spat on you and hurt you
I know I don’t deserve to have you
To spell your name and smell you
To play and lay with you

I can’t feign the pain anymore
I will persist even if you resist
Make you cake
Sing you hymn just so you won’t look at him

I know I made my bed
I know I don’t deserve to guard your herd
All I ask is a task
To show you how to glow

Mzee Varaq
My poems